This blog serves as a conduit for students and families to communicate about current science topics being studied at Thousand Oaks .
Monday, September 8, 2008
What was your surface of choice ?
How did it compare with the other surfaces ?
Grass, blue top and black top and our choice which was under the water fountain. The temperatures were different except for the grass and the black top were the same.
that day was a perfect example of the greenhouse gas effect .It was so hot that day and everything we tested was hotter than we thought it would be.We were really tired after working when we were done.
our choice was the shade of the basketball hoop.Then we put our shadows over it to cause more shade.Here was our temperture 68 degrees F. It was the lowest out of all of the surface.the blue top,black top,and the grass. Samira,Andy,Chloe,Charlie,Claude¡¡¡¡
Grass, blue top and black top and our choice which was under the water fountain. The temperatures were different except for the grass and the black top were the same.
Table 1
that day was a perfect example of the greenhouse gas effect .It was so hot that day and everything we tested was hotter than we thought it would be.We were really tired after working when we were done.
the surface was the grass, bluetop, and concrete. The bluetop was the hottest one because it went to 120 degrees, the grass was teh second hottest.
Tarin, Alex, Jose, Max
our choice was the shade of the basketball hoop.Then we put our shadows over it to cause more shade.Here was our temperture 68 degrees F. It was the lowest out of all of the surface.the blue top,black top,and the grass. Samira,Andy,Chloe,Charlie,Claude¡¡¡¡
our surface of choice was the slide. the temperature reached all the way to 103!
Mason,Emma,Laura,and Rowan
Rogelio:the garden was the hottest at 120 degrees
Table 6
desktop: temperature was 78F
grass: temperature was 82F
blacktop: temperature was 100F
bluetop: temperature was 105F
Table 4
Malik, Julian, Yann and David
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