What level of hurricane was Ike when it made landfall ?
Why did it weaken after landfall ?
What is the connection between hurricane strength and global warming ?
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category high 2 low 3
after it hits land it can't refuel with water
were making the atmosphere heavier which makes the gulf coast and other water warmer so the hurricanes get stronger
Graham Griffin, Alexandra Arriola, Matty,Prairie
What level of hurricane was Ike when it made landfall?
It was a high level 2 low level 3.
why did it weaken?
It weaken because the land slowed it down.
The connection between hurricane strength and Global warming is that
warm water builds bigger hurricanes.
group 2 in Jeni's class.we think that Hurricane Ike was a catecory 2 hurricane.
We think that Hurricane Ike became weeker on land because land is cold and it became weeker.
Global warming causes the water to warm up and form a hurricane.
Isma Kyla Daisy
Ike was weakened by land after it hit Galveston Texas.
Johnetta's group
Ike was a level two catogory.
Johnetta's group
Global warming makes the ocean water warmer which makes the hurricanes stronger and more frequent.
Johnetta's group
Hurricane Ike was a category 2 when it hit landfall.It weakened because it had it hit land and had no more water to suck up.The global warming is heating up the water making hurricanes bigger and stronger.
By Elias, Skylar, Gabriel, and Jared.
The hurricane came on to the land,and
ran out of strength on the cold land.
the one with the questions are:MYLES=SMART DORAN HECTOR
Hurricane Ike was in between category 2 and 3.Ike weaken when it hit land because water makes it strong and land absorbs its strength.Water and hurricanes are connected because When the water gets hot hurricanes get formed.
Ike was category high 2 or low 3.
The hurricane weakened because the water was warm and was evaporating.
Our atmosphere is getting heavier,and
the hurricanes are getting stronger.
Hurricane lke was in category2low3.
Hurricane Ike was a category 2 when it made landfall.Hurricane Ike got weaker over land because land absorbed it.The connection is that global warming makes water warmer and hurricanes run on warm water so more warm water means stronger hurricanes Omar,Angel,Hector
Max, Jose and Tarin JABBAWOCKEEZ!
Hurricane Ike was a high category 2 a but low category 3 when it hit.Because it was too weak to go any further.Global warming makes hurricanes stronger and increases the chance of them happening
Question 1:Hurricane Ike was category 2 once it made landfall.
Question 2:It weakened once it hit landfall because the land absorbed some of the water and slowed it down. Question 3: The connection is that global warming is warming up the oceans, which supplies fuel to turn it into a living nightmare which means lots of hurricanes.
Charlie, Chloe, and Andy
Hurricane lke was category 2 low 3 Ivette and Joselin.
answer 1.What level of hurricane was Ike was when it made landfall? With my answer it was Cat. 2 or 4___answer 2.Why did it weaken after landfall? It lost a lot of water hitting the coast of TX.__answer 3. What is the connection between hurricane and GLobal Warming? The connection is between the ocean the water level is rising because of the Global warming and makes the water hotter which causes more hurricanes.
what level of hurricane was Ike when it made landfall? It was category 2. Why did it weaken after landfall? We think because it gets its power comes from warm water and in land does not have enough warm water
3.Global warming warms the water, warm water forms hurricanes.
Komal, Laraeb & YisselAlondrah
When hurricane Ike hit landfall it was category 3.
Hurricane Ike weakened because when it hit land fall it was evaporating in to the air.
hurricane Ike gets tronger from global warming because it heats the water and hurricane Ike feeds of of warm water.
Jaali and kind of Andretty
It was a high level 2 and it will not regain power after it hits land
Hurricane Ike was a category 2:).
It weak because there isn't enough water to stay a hurricane.
The warmer the waters the more the hurricanes.
Jessica:) and Avery:) a.k.a half of the SUPER CREW!!
Hurricane Ike was a high-level category two hurricane. The hurricane
weakened after landfall because hurricanes can`t travel on land. Global Warming made the hurricane stronger because the water was warmer, causing the hurricane to become stronger.
Emma and Laura:) room 18
Jared:people must have been sad that they had to move away.
Eli:People must have missed there pets:)
Hurricane Ike was a category two hurricane.
It weakened after landfall because hurricanes cannot last over land.
The connection between global warming and hurricanes is the global heating that is making water warmer so hurricanes are stronger.
Rowan and Mason:) :)
Hurricane Ike was a category 2
Alex and Danny
Rm.18/Table 6
hurricane Ike was a categary 2.
when hurricane's go on land they get very weak.
global warming makes hurricane's stronger
from malik,yann,julian and david
Hurricane Ike was high category 2.
Because it was out of water.
Global warming is making hurricanes
by:Eddie and Roger:)
Hurricane Ike was a category high 2 low 3.
Hurricane Ike weakened because when hurricanes get weak when over land.
Global Warming effect hurricanes strength because warm water build hurricanes.
JOJO,Milikia half of super crew
table 2
Ike decreased over land because hurricane cant gain strength over land,soon it became a level 2 or 1 hurricane.
Global warming makes the water warmer and hurricanes run on warm water.
The Hurricane was a category 2. IKe was the second biggest Hurricane, it weaken because it hit the land, the trees and houses slowed it down. Greenhouse gases keeps the water warm but since they have increased the water has gotten warmer and the hurricanes have gotten worse.
Najee, Niccari and Magnus
What causes global warming the most that is made by us humans. SGD
I can recycling all my papers
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