Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mixture Web Questions

GO to the first link on the page mixture soluability
Then click on Chemistry on the left side of the page
Find the corresponding experiment to your table number and answer the questions about the experiment- make sure to add one of your own and sign your names!

Table 1- Go to States of Matter
1. Why does the K go up everytime you change molecules?
2. Make a table for the K Measurements for solid, liquid and gas for each molecule.
3. Why are there different K measurements for each molecule?
4. What did this game teach you?
Write another question about this experiment:

Table 2- Go to Salts and Solubility
1. What happens when you add water?
2. What happens when you drain water?
3. Why and when do they stick together?
4. Why do the ones that are already sticking together not go out when you drain the water?
Write another question about this experiment:

Table 3 - Go to Models of H Atoms
1. On Billard ball setting, why do the little stars bounce off the ball?
2. What changes happen when you switch to white from monochromatic?
3. Why are there different colors?
4. Does anything change when you speed up the process?
Write another question about this experiment:

Table 4- Go to Greenhouse Effect

1. What happens when you click the Ice Age button?
2. What do the red dots represent?
3. What do the yellow dots represent?
4. What does the thermometer tell you?

Write another question about this experiment:

Table 5- Go to Gas Properties
1. How much pressure does it take to go all the way up?
2. How does heat affect the gas and pressure?
3.How does the cold affect the gas and pressure?
4. What is different between the volume and the temperature?
Write another question about this experiment:

Table 6- Go to Reversible Reactions
1. How does the reversible reaction change?
2. Can you predict how the dots will react when you add heat?
3. Can you predict how the dots will react when you remove heat?
4. Does it change anything if you raise one side higher than the other side?
Write another question about this experiment:


omar said...

1.because they dont attract or because gravity bounces things off
2.the changes that happen is that the molecules became the same color. 3.because there are different atoms.we think there are about 90 of them. 4.yes the process goes faster so every molecules bounce of faster. 5.Why are there different examples like plum pudding and classical solar system? omar alex angel

Anonymous said...

1.The Ice Age temperature and landscape cools down but there are more infrared photons.
2.Red dots represent Infrared photons.
3.Yellow dots represent sunlight photons.
4.How the temperature increase and decrease
5.Why does the greenhouse gases fog up everything up if you move it to lots.

Anonymous said...

table two
5.why does the saturated salt begin
to dissolve when you add more water?

Because there becomes more water for the salt to dissolve into.

Matty, doran,prairie,Eli D.

Anonymous said...

1. How does the reversible reaction change?
2. Can you predict how the dots will react when you add heat?
3. Can you predict how the dots will react when you remove heat?
4. Does it change anything if you raise one side higher than the other side?
5. why do you think the dots react differently to different temperatures?

Anonymous said...


1.How much pressure does it take to go up?

2.How does heat affect the gas and pressure?

3.How does the cold affect the gas and pressure?

4.What is different between the volume and the temperature?

5.How does the gas affect the sun?

by Daniel.L.Jones
by Thinh ngo
by Immanuel

Anonymous said...

1.The bakround changes and the
tempature drops.
2.the red dots represent radiation photons.
3.CO2 photons
5.What happens when you add mirrors? the photons dont go up but the temepater does

Anonymous said...

1.Because the billard ball is hard
2.All the big balls go away
3.Because there are different atms bouncing around.
4.not really less might bounce though
5.what happens when you use plum pudding

Anonymous said...

Table 2
1. When you add water the molecules separate.
2. When you drain water the molecules go out also.
3. They stick together when they get separated because the salt is soluble.
4. They are to big because they are stuck together.
5. How many times do you have to pour salt, for them to dissolve.
answer: 48 times.

Names: Alex, Isma, Nathan, and Hector

Anonymous said...

greenhouse effect.
table 2


1. The temp drops and the landscape changes to ice age

2. Infer red photons

2.Sunlight photons

4.how hot or cold it is

5.what happens when you add glass layers


Anonymous said...

Table 3

1. The stars have some mass.
2. They turn different colors.
3. They represent different pieces of matter.
4. It gets faster.
5. What happens when you select Plum Pudding?
answer: The blue ball goes around in circles.

Names: Nathan, Alex, Hector Table 1

Anonymous said...

the k measerment goes up because different molicules have different heat. I think heat is the reason the k chart changes. the molicules have differant heats because they make friction.

Anonymous said...

Table 4's questions

1.the red dots represent infrared photon.
2.the yellow dots represent sunlight.
3.the thermometer tells you the temperature.
4.when you click the ice age button the square turns into ice age from the bottom and the temperature changes.
what do the little tiny houses represent? kyla and daisy