Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

What are some effects of global warming on weather ?
What are some effects on your health ?
What are some effects on wildlife ?
What are the effects on sea levels ?
( use link - More Causes of Global Warming )
What can you/we do to help reduce global warming ?
( use link - An Inconvenient Truth )


Anonymous said...

Work in your science teams and answer all of the questions above. Use the links suggested to find the answers if you don't know them.

Good luck,

Anonymous said...

What are some effects of global warming on weather ?
It is getting to hot in some places and colder in other places!
What are some effects on your health ? People are getting more diseases because the germs aren't dying from the freezes.
What are some effects on wildlife? Animals aren't getting enough water to survive because it is evaporating faster into the air. Which is caused by all of the CO2 going into the air.

Daisy, Kyla & Isma

Anonymous said...

1.There are stronger hurricanes,also some places are getting hotter and some are getting cooler and there is less rain fall in more places .

2.People die because of the gases in the air and because of the less water and too much water in other areas.

3.Polar bears, ,for example,and other species are dieing because their home are being destroyed because of global warming.

4. They are rising because of glaciers melting so there is nore water which means cities near the ocean can get destroyed.

Alex, Graham, Matty, Prairie

Anonymous said...

1.In some places it intencafies the weather, like in some places it makes huge droughts and in other places it there is huge floods.
2.people in south America are by killed a virus called malaria. 2

by jared gabe and skylar

Anonymous said...

The effects of global warming on the weather are tropical storms,wildfires, and extreme heat waves.

Smoke can get in your lungs and clog up.


Anonymous said...

It is heating up the temperature and causing hurricanes.

Anonymous said...

It is heating up the temperature and causing hurricanes.

Anonymous said...

The effects of global warming is storms,rain,hail and sea level. johnetta,michael,danel,immanuel

Anonymous said...

It effects us because the heating of the earth and it gives us a risk of having a heat stroke.


Anonymous said...

global warming is affecting the Artic in many different ways such as melting the ice so polar bears hunting ground are changed and when they try to rest the ice breaks because of the ice being to weak.also when a hurricane strikes and it moves to a hot ocean spot the waves stir up making the hurricane stronger!some rivers are only held by ice and because of the tempeture change the ice melts also wasting a lot of fresh spiring water.

Anonymous said...

It gets hotter by the atmosphere the gets thicker then it is hotter for us

Anonymous said...

Arctic animals are drowning because there is no ice for them to climb on to. Fish are dieing because of corals
are getting bleached and dieing.


Anonymous said...

(1) Global warming is heating up the air so it is getting hotter.
(2) Water is less available for when we need it
(3) wild fires are caused by the heat of the sun, and the water too.
(4)there could also be a trhout.

by:estefania, komal, alondrah and laraeb

Anonymous said...

Some effects of global warming are melting glaciers, animals are going extinct,etc.
The most likely affect is that the air you breathe is filled with smoke so you get lung disease.
An effect on wildlife is trees are dying.
Sea levels are rising because of melting glaciers and ice caps.
We can buy energy-efficient light bulbs, ride our bikes,etc.
Rowan and Emma=) ;b

Anonymous said...

In "an inconvenient truth", it says that the sea level has risen to above average.


Anonymous said...

Some of the effects of global warming weather changes are things like hurricanes and tornadoes. In the places the used to have floods now have droughts and in places that used to have droughts now have floods.

Some effects on my health are things like DYING!!!!!!!!!! Also, getting sick and things like that.

Jessica,JOJO,Avery, and Milikia

Anonymous said...

The water is warmer and causes hurricanes.
The weather also gets warmer and causes earthquakes

Rogelio,DANNY,Alex,and Eddie:)

Anonymous said...

Some of the effects on the weather are huge hurricanes,tornadoes,wildfires and droughts.

what are some of the effect wildfires ,drunken trees,dried soil and dried leaves
from malik

Anonymous said...

QUESTION 1 ANSWER:heat waves,humid air, hurricanes releasing tornadoes,
QUESTION 3 ANSWER:polar bears are dying,cows are to because of heat waves,us because we almost have no water

Jeni we are not done

Anonymous said...

To ansewer your MANY Qs. Here's something insan for your brain the effect is HOTER! WHATHER

{Claude TO RM 19}

Anonymous said...

1.Because of the thick blanket made up of greenhouse gases the suns rays trap the sunlight and heat the earth
2.Because the earth is heating up there are more wild fires and more hurricanes. The wild fires make it harder for us to breath

Anonymous said...

number 1 some of the effects of global warming are stronger hurricanes droughts and floods.number 2
some effects on your health are since mosquitos are moving to new places because of global warming more people are getting diseases.number 3
since it is getting hotter animals are having to adapt to the climate and polar bears and walruses are dying.
number 4
sea levels are rising because glaciers are falling into the ocean.number 5 people around earth should start
using hybrid cars and buy local foods and produce .

Anonymous said...

The amount of heat around us is affecting all of our crops the meat (chicken, turkey, and others) we eat.Also when there is to much heat a heat wave strikes leaving people with a high fever, or even worse dead.Y see as the water gets warmer the waves start to get violent because of the water stirring up.Thats pretty bad but there is something just as bad.They're has been a lot of hurricanes during his past year and because there has been a heat change in the world when a hurricane moves to a warm ocean spot the waves in the hurricane stir up leaving the hurricane stronger! by tarin and jose

Anonymous said...

More hurrycans,storms heat waves and floods .crops failing and we dont have fruts and vetibles to eat.The galshers melt and the sea level rises.we can stop using cars.


Anonymous said...

incressing heat on weather.
asima maleria andbad colds.
animals are getting bad deaseses.
they will rise and glaceirs will melt.
give up cars emedditly an buy solar pannel cars.

Anonymous said...

1.Global warming in weather makes hurricanes ,floods and dries growing crops. 2.Some effects from health are the mosquitos carryng desiases and spread out on other places because its hooter. 3.Animals in the artic are diying becuse the ice is melting and they cant find homes and food. 4.The sea levels are rising and makes floods. 5.To stop global warming we need to make less recycle,buy hybrid cars,no CO2 and vote for mayor who wants to stop global warming. Hector,Andretty

Anonymous said...

(1)The glaciers are melting so the sea level is raising.
(2)Wild fires are becoming more and more common.
(3)There are more and more stronger hurricanes.
(4)Our clean water is turning into salty water.

Anonymous said...

incressing heat on weather.
asima maleria andbad colds.
animals are getting bad deaseses.
they will rise and glaceirs will melt.
give up cars emedditly an buy solar pannel cars.

Anonymous said...

incressing heat on weather.
asima maleria andbad colds.
animals are getting bad deaseses.
they will rise and glaceirs will melt.
give up cars emedditly an buy solar pannel cars.

Anonymous said...

1. Increasing heat of weather.
2. Increasing a chance of having an asthma attack for those who have asthma.Also maleria. se
3. The gray whale, bighorn sheep the desert tortoise, the steelhead trout
creatures whose habitats are very existence and now in danger.The treats vary, from pollution to logging to harmful development but the effect on wildlife is the ri.
4. The sea level will rise because of melting glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctica.
5. We can by a hybrid car,walk ,recycle,and plant trees.
M.W and K.M

Anonymous said...

Their are tons of affects such as lung dieseases caused by smoke and bad air,dieseses that creatures carry,sea levels rising and greenland melting,and ice sheets melting!


Anonymous said...

One of the effects on weather can cause meting ice. The heat from the ocean can cause hurricanes. The sea levels are rising. The polar bears can not find ice to rest. Ivette

Anonymous said...

[claude] What are the effects on wildlife is always staring fire BUT we can change all that by stop thowing away steel cans.

Anonymous said...

because of global warming the weather has been filled with greenhouse gases. which makes up for blazing hot weather in some parts of the united states.because of this intense heat farmers can`t grow their crops , which means that we can`t enjoy our fruits and vegetables. also this heat is causing more and more heatwaves, which have killed many people over the years. the soil and leafs are become more and more dryer ,which means that wildfires are becoming more and more common. the sea levels which results in distarious floods. hurricanes are ripping apart parts of the earth .the air is becoming warmer which causes lightinng to strike, which is another cause of wildfires. there are a lot of things to do to reduce global warming such as useing hybrid cars,or carpooling, or switching different lightbulbs, using solar panel, changing the way factories work, and much , much things as droghts hurricares, and wildfires.


Anonymous said...

because of global warming the weather has been filled with greenhouse gases. which makes up for blazing hot weather in some parts of the united states.because of this intense heat farmers can`t grow their crops , which means that we can`t enjoy our fruits and vegetables. also this heat is causing more and more heatwaves, which have killed many people over the years. the soil and leafs are become more and more dryer ,which means that wildfires are becoming more and more common. the sea levels which results in distarious floods. hurricanes are ripping apart parts of the earth .the air is becoming warmer which causes lightinng to strike, which is another cause of wildfires. there are a lot of things to do to reduce global warming such as useing hybrid cars,or carpooling, or switching different lightbulbs, using solar panel, changing the way factories work, and much , much things as droghts hurricares, and wildfires.


Anonymous said...

(1)Give up our cars.
(2)Change from regular light bulbs, to floresent light bulbs.
(3)Instead of using bikes, we should use bikes.
(4)The goberment should close up factories.
(5)Plant lots and lots of trees.


Anonymous said...

(1)the global warming effects are stronger hurricanes, wild fires the sea level is raising because ice glaciers are melting and our clean water is turning into sea water.
(2)increasing pollution makes people get asthma .
(3)polar bears are drowning because they have to swimming longer distances to reach ice shacks there now being considered.

Anonymous said...

some of the effects of global warming are hurricanes,wildfires,tornadoes and floods.


Anonymous said...

Some of the effects are powerful raging storms,stronger hurricanes,
tornadoes,floods and droughts.

When the tempature in the sea rises
coral reefs die and all the sea creatures that depend on the coral reefs die.


Anonymous said...

1.hurricanes,heat waves,droughts,and floods are caused by global warming mostly.
2.mosqitous are going to warmer areas because they trave to cold areas.
3.frogs will stay in warm waters when its starts to heat up untill its been saved,polar bears,warluses depand on ice lands but there homes are melting away.
4.sea levels will rise because of melting ice,and warmer waters mean bader hurricanes above catigory 4 probley.
5.we can buy hydrid cars,walk,bike,or bus to our destination,buy energy effecant light bulbs,plant trees,try and convince constrocters to build windmills,recycle,use less electricity,and install solar panels.

Anonymous said...

Some effects on wildlife are things like trees are being eaten by bark beetles. Also the Amazon Rain Forest is being cut down.

Some effects on sea levels are things like heating of the waters that effects to Antarctica and several floods could occur all over the world.

To help global warming we could recycle,carpool,buy hybrid cars,buy solar panels,garden roofs,you can reduce your carbon emissions, switch to renewable energy and several other things like those.

3/4 of SUPER CREW!!!!!!:( :) ;b

Anonymous said...

There are more hurricanes now then ever.Wild fires are also a very big problem right now.

It is very hot these days so it is bad for our skin.

Houses are burning down because of the wildfires.Wild fires are also burning trees down.

Anonymous said...

Climate change, people are dying, the Earth's surface is getting hotter because of G.W.:meaning global warming for short.

Animals are dying all over the world

BY: Milikia T.

Anonymous said...

1.In some places it intencafies the weather, like in some places it makes huge droughts and in other places it there is huge floods.
2.people in south America are by killed a virus called malaria.

By Nathan$Jared

Anonymous said...

Plant trees, get a hybrid car, change your thermostat, walk, get solar panels, raise your fuel economy standards, Ride a bike, call your electricity co. and ask for green energy, recycle, buy electric cars because they save energy,

Alex Kvidahl Arriola, MATTY, Graham Griffin ,prairie

Anonymous said...

1. hail,hurricanes,avalanches,and big storms.Daniel.JONES

Anonymous said...

Ways we can help to change.

We can buy a special kind of light that doesn't use as much energy. The prise are going down for solar panles so we could try to aford them. We could not cut down so many trees because they won't reales C02 into our atmosphere. We could ask our factory workers to not make so much produks so they don't reales green house gases.

Kyla,Isma, Dasiy

Anonymous said...

Some effects are big affects like bigger hurricanes and the artic is melting.

Smoking to hot and cant adapt fast enough.

overgrowth and exstincion.

the sea levels are rising 20 feet in the next 45 years.

use florecent lightbulbs.

Anonymous said...

Drive hybrid cars,buy solar panels,and walk to school

Anonymous said...

1.storms,hurricanes,hail .2you can get cools,fevers,diahrea,and maybe a heat disease 3 no food ,no place to stay,and drown of a floud.4. the effect of the sea is very hot water and evaporatetion 5.we can stop useing co2.gas,and ride bikes to school

Anonymous said...

it is causing hurricanes to get stronger,heat waves,floods.

cancer,high blood pressure,and fevers.

extinction is whats happening.

sea levels are rising.

we could change are light bulbs and use different cars.


Anonymous said...

1.It makes the weather in some places change 2.You could get sick because of heat or die from drought and freezing 3.They die because of no water and food because other animals die of no water 4.they rise because
the glaciers melt

By Jared and only Jared

Anonymous said...

1.In some places it intencafies the weather , like in some places it makes huge droughts and other natrual/unatral accurences.
2. virisis such as malaria are killing people in a lot of places.
3.water life habitats are being destroyed ,coral reefs are being bleached and there inhabidinc are dying and leaving.
4.sea levels are rising rapidly because the glaciers are melting because of the rising tempetures.
5.we can drive less ,we can ride to our destenations in a bicycle more often, we can use floresent lightbulbs and get better gas mileg
cars. and thats whet we can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by gabe ,skylar,and elias

Anonymous said...

1.Tropical storms,heat waves,and more
and harder hurricanes.
2.The smoke and gases could effect your lungs.
3.The heat is destroying their homes.
4.Heat is making the water evaporate.
5.Stop realeasing greenhouse gases.

Anonymous said...

global climale change that global temperatures will continue to rise
